Sanitizer Dispenser
Product design
2020This is a sanitizer dispenser designed for Kusanya Cafe, located in Englewood, Chicago, as a part of community revitalization plan.
It was designed for mass production with cost control.
Stock Material: 14 G Hot Rolled Steel Sheet
Stock Dimensions: 48 × 60 × 0.07813”
Estimated Material Cost: $ 2.46 each
Stock Preparation: Clean up the surface.
CNC Machining Operations: The parts for this table will be cut entirely with CNC plasma cutter, profiling.
Estimated Milling Time: ~10 Minutes
Post Milling Processing: A round-over will be applied to edges of parts using a series of sandpaper. All components need to be bended to a solid object. Seams could be welded together or polished.